Introduction This tutorial will teach you how to use the RGB LED on the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect. We will walk you through how to create three different sketches using the Arduino IDE which will: Alternate the LED colour Pulse the blue LED Create a rainbow effect to fade between colours You can find the… Continue reading Using the RGB LED on the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
Category: Embedded Systems
BMP280 and Pi Pico over SPI
CmakeLists.txt C File
BNO055 I2C Example Code
Project Source Code CMakeLists.txt TempSense.c
RP2040’s On-Board Temperature Sensor
This tutorial will cover how to use the on-board temperature sensor on the RP2040 chip which is the heart of the Raspberry Pi Pico. You can find the full source code for this project at the bottom of the page. Introduction to the Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor works by measuring the voltage of a… Continue reading RP2040’s On-Board Temperature Sensor
Basic Multicore Pico Project
This article (and video) covers the basics of multicore programming on the Pico and hopefully demonstrate why you would want to use both cores of the Pico. The full project source code is available at the bottom of this article. Introduction When writing complex projects, where timing is an important aspect of your program, seemingly… Continue reading Basic Multicore Pico Project
Using the Serial Output over USB on the Pico
This short project covers how to use the serial output over USB on your Raspberry Pi Pico. Below the video you can find the project source code, and below that you can find a written version of the project. Introduction Using a serial monitor over USB means that you can essentially output data from your… Continue reading Using the Serial Output over USB on the Pico
Pico Blink LED Code
CMakeLists.txt blink_led.c
Blink STM32F4 Discovery’s LEDs using HAL libraries
Project Source Code
Video: STM32F4 Discovery Beginners Tutorial – Blink LEDs
Video Transcript of Blink LED tutorial Introduction Hello and welcome to a short video which will cover how to write a C program in Keil Micro vision 5 which will blink the LEDs on the STM32F4 Discovery Board on and off. There is a written version of this tutorial available along with the final source… Continue reading Video: STM32F4 Discovery Beginners Tutorial – Blink LEDs
VIDEO: How to set up a Keil IDE 5 Project
Transcription Hello and welcome to a short video which will cover how to set up a Keil Micro vision 5 project for use with programming the STM32F4 Discovery Board. There is a written version of this tutorial available if you would prefer, the link is in the description. Firstly, this tutorial assumes that you have… Continue reading VIDEO: How to set up a Keil IDE 5 Project