CmakeLists.txt C File
Month: February 2021
USB Serial Input on the Pico
C File CMakeLists.txt
BNO055 I2C Example Code
Project Source Code CMakeLists.txt TempSense.c
RP2040’s On-Board Temperature Sensor
This tutorial will cover how to use the on-board temperature sensor on the RP2040 chip which is the heart of the Raspberry Pi Pico. You can find the full source code for this project at the bottom of the page. Introduction to the Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor works by measuring the voltage of a… Continue reading RP2040’s On-Board Temperature Sensor
Basic Multicore Pico Project
This article (and video) covers the basics of multicore programming on the Pico and hopefully demonstrate why you would want to use both cores of the Pico. The full project source code is available at the bottom of this article. Introduction When writing complex projects, where timing is an important aspect of your program, seemingly… Continue reading Basic Multicore Pico Project